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World Snow Day Hakunila Sports Park

15 January 2017 | Hakunila Sports Park | Finland
  300 Event Participants  

World Snow Day Hakunila Sports Park

Blylodsgränden 2
 01200  Vanda 
(+35) 840 524 5286
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Some 300 people visited Hakunila World Snow Day during 15.1. between 11-16. We had five different actitivy spots: mini XCX track, biathlon, ski jump hill with mini skis, 'ski football' area and normal track with technics training. City of Vantaa sponsored everyone free entry and free ski testing. Along with native Finnish families we had foreigners's groups visiting and learning the fun on skis. All accompanied with playful children's music and cantine that offered winterly bites and hot drinks to buy. The most popular spot was the ski jump, constant queue proved it. Fun was had by all the trainers too, altogether 25 organisers were involved indifferent duties. Nearby school donated five trainers as part of their study programme. Main Finnish print media acknowledged and advertised WSD well on FRI 13.1. with a picture. Everywhere the comms included FIS as the creator of the event and idea.
Special Offers
- Free entry tickets
- Free skis snowboards use
Local WSD mascot 'Tuisku' with its fans.
We need new Makarainens...
Let's play!
T +41 31 368 14 15